Queensland Year 12 Outcomes 2009

The Queensland Education Year 12 Outcomes report for 2009 has now been released.

This report shows each school in Queensland with the numbers and percentages of year 12 students who have taken the relevant end of year exams.

The report provides information on the number of students who received an Overall Position (OP) as part of their Tertiary Entrance Statement at the end of their Year 12 studies. OPs are used to rank students for entrance to courses at universities, TAFE institutes and other tertiary institutions.

It also shows:

VET Qualifications
The number of students awarded one or more Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications. This includes qualifications of Certificate I, II, III or IV. Students who are completing or completed a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT) are also included in this column.

The number of students who are completing or completed a SAT.

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The number of young people awarded a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).
Students awarded a QCIA have engaged in a highly individualised learning program for their senior phase of schooling.
Students may receive a Senior Statement and a QCIA.

The number of students who were awarded a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) at the end of Year 12.
The QCE was awarded to students who attained 20 credits by achieving a sound achievement or pass in the required pattern.
Their program of studies must have included a minimum of 12 credits from core courses and 8 credits from any combination of other courses of study.
To be awarded a QCE, students must also have met literacy and numeracy requirements.

The number of students who received an Overall Position (OP).
To receive an OP a student must study 20 semester units of credit in Queensland Studies Authority subjects with at least three subjects taken for four semesters.
Students must also complete Year 12 and sit the Queensland Core Skills Test.

The full 115 page report is at www.qsa.qld.edu.au.

As an example of the report, consider the Brisbane Grammar School results:

  • 250 Senior Statements issued
  • 1 VET
  • 1 SAT
  • 244 QCE
  • 250 OP’s

Of those 250 OP results, which appears to be all the schools students, the breakdown in OP score was:

  • 122 OP 1-5. This equals 49% of the total OP’s
  • 85 OP 6-10
  • 32 OP 11-15
  • 8 OP 16-20
  • 3 OP 21-25

and 100% QTAC applicants received a tertiary offer.

This is considered an excellent result for those wishing to attend University.

If we compare this to the Brisbane School of Distance Education we see the following:

  • 97 Senior Statements issued
  • 58 VET
  • 11 SAT
  • 2 QCE
  • 52 QCIA
  • 40 OP

Of those 40 OP results, which only about half of the Students chose to undertake, the breakdown in OP score was:

  • 17 OP 1-5. This equals 43% of the total OP’s
  • 10 OP 6-10
  • 9 OP 11-15
  • 4 OP 16-20
  • none OP 21-25

An interesting comparison between the two shows that Brisbane Grammar school had 98.8% of its OP students with a OP 1-20, whilst the Brisbane School of Distance Education had a 100% result, in that group.

Of the 58 VET qualifications taken by the Brisbane School of Distance Education, the breakdown was:

  • 37 VET Cert. I
  • 17 VET Cert. II
  • 12 VET Cert. III and IV

It is important to compare the OP result percentages to the number of Students who take the OP, as some schools are more geared towards VET than OP.
This is of course another important aspect, when choosing schools, if your child is aiming for University.

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