Reduction in Independent Skilled Visa (189) Invites 2018-19

Fewer Independent Skilled Visa (189) Invites have been issued in 1st Quarter 2018-19.

Department of Home Affairs figures have shown that only 5,980 invites have been issued to Independent Skilled Visa (189) applicants during the first three months of 2018-19
This compares to 7,500 in the first three months of 2017-18.

This is a drop of 20%, compared to the same period in the last financial year.

The 2018-19 year allocation for Skilled Independent visas is capped at 43,990. This should be about 11,000 each quarter.

Australia’s planning level for permanent residents is still 190,000, although the actual intake in 2017-18 dropped to 163,000 while there were 183,608 in 2016-17.

A very noticeable change has been the increase to the points requirements from July 2018, with the change from a minimum of 60 points to the new lower limit of 65 points. However, some occupations now require evidence of 80 points before an invite is issued.

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