Roundabout Rules.

Who gives way on a Roundabout?

You give way to the right, to any vehicle already on the roundabout that is coming in your direction, and close enough to you.

You give way to any vehicles already on the roundabout, that includes those entering the roundabout just in front of you, if they enter the roundabout first. Otherwise they give way to you, if you have entered the roundabout before them.

You keep your distance, slowing down if needed, from others already on the roundabout in front of you.

If going Right at a roundabout, you must indicate Right, on entering the roundabout. You then indicate Left just as you pass the exit before yours.

If going straight across at a roundabout, you do not indicate on entering the roundabout. You then indicate Left just as you pass the exit before yours.

If going Left at a roundabout, you must indicate Left, on entering the roundabout. This is the same as indicating Left at the exit before yours.

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