Salary or Wages Earners Average Income 2016-17

Salary or Wages Earners Average Income 2016-17.

The ATO shows there were 10,912,139 salary and wage earners in the 2016-17 tax year.

Their total salaries and wages came to an average of $59,328, with 50% earning over $49,397 in the year.

The Median income was 83.26% of the average income in 2016-17.

Individual Earners Average Income 2016-17.

The ATO shows there were 13,870,745 total individual tax returns submitted in the 2016-17 tax year.

Their total incomes came to an average of $61,781, with 50% earning over $46,576 in the year.

Their Median income was 75.39% of the average income in 2016-17.

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In 2016-17 71.1% of Tax Return lodgements were done by a Tax Agent, and 27.1% were done through the ATO MyTax lodgement service.

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