Schoolkids Bonus – Federal Budget 2014

The ending of the Schoolkids Bonus – Federal Budget 2014.

In January 31, 2013 it was confirmed that the Schoolkids Bonus was too be scrapped, but as this has not happened yet, it may now be linked in the 2014 Federal Budget.

[important]The Australian Department of Human Services (Centrelink) has stated that “Payment of the July 2014 instalment of the Schoolkids Bonus will depend on whether or not legislation to abolish the payment is reintroduced and passed by Parliament by 30 June 2014.” more…[/important]

To be eligible for the Schoolkids Bonus, you must either be a parent or carer who gets Family Tax Benefit Part A for a dependent child attending primary or secondary education, or be in receipt of a payment in your own right and also be undertaking primary or secondary education.
Schoolkids Bonus may also be payable where the child/student is undertaking an ??eligible activity’ ?? being home schooled, overseas study or special education.

The Schoolkids Bonus will be paid to primary and secondary students if they are turning 19 years of age or younger in the calendar year, and meet the relevant criteria.

Each year, eligible families and students will receive up to:

  • $410 for each child in primary school (two instalments of $205)
  • $820 for each child in secondary school (two instalments of $410)
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