Subclass 100 Visas Granted in 2023

Partner Visa (subclass 100) GRANTS in 2023.

These are some of the known subclass 100 Partner Visas (Permanent) GRANTED in 2023.

  • 309 applied: Sep 2020.
    309 granted: 3 Jul 2021 after 10 months.
    100 Eligible: Sep 2022.
    100 submitted: 25 Apr 2023.
    100 granted: 8 Sep 2023,  12 months after eligibility.
    Nationality: India
    Permanent Residency: 36 months after lodging 309 application.
  • 309 applied: 2 Dec 2022.
    309 granted: 3 Jul 2023 after 7 months.
    100 granted: 3 Jul 2023 immediately after the 309 grant.
    Nationality: UK
  • 309 applied on Aug 2021.
    309+100 granted Mar 2023.
    Total time 19 months.
    Married 20 years.
    US citizen, lodged in US not fully front loaded application.
  • 309 applied on 27 Jul 2022.
    309+100 granted 24 Mar 2023.
    Total time 8 months.
    Married 5 years, 2 children.
    US citizen, lodged in US with fully front loaded application.
  • 309 applied on 4 Feb 2023.
    309+100 granted 14 Mar 2023.
    Total time 1 month 10 days.
    Married 20 years.
    UK citizen, lodged in UK with fully front loaded application.

This is to give an idea of how long it can take. But remember, all applications are different, and these differences can affect the time that processing takes.

Special Note:

Add YOUR subclass 100 grant times here:

    Your name (required)

    Your Email (required, but never shown or shared)

    Agoda Hotel Bookings
    Sponsor ai10

    Date 100 Granted: (required)

    Date 100 2nd stage Submitted: (required)

    Applicants Nationality: (required)

    Office of Processing: (required, use Not Known if you do not know)

    Date 309 applied? (required)

    Date 309 granted? (required)

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    The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
    Some Visa Applicants might find an Experienced Australian Migration Agent of great assistance. - ai16

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