Subclass 820 Visa Processing Time Input Form Your own Subclass 820 Visa Processing Time. The Subclass 820 Visa is the first stage of the onshore Partner Visa. If you would like us to include your 820 visa processing times in our results, to share with others, please consider completing this survey form. Your Name (required, but never shown or shared) Your Email (required, but never shown or shared) Your User Name. (This, or a name very similar if already taken, will be allocated as your user name.) (required) Applicant Nationality (ie Passport used) (required) Sponsor Nationality (ie Passport used) (required) Processing Office Which City and Country processed your Application. eg: Sydney, Berlin, Germany. Subclass 820 application date (required) use format dd/mm/yy or 15 Jan 2019 (as an example) If unsure of date use 15th of the month. Subclass 820 Grant Date (required) Which Visa was granted? The subclass 801 is sometimes issued to an 820 application, at the same time as the 820. Just the 820The 801 with the 820 When did you submit Medicals? Date or approx date you submitted Medicals. (Leave blank if from PMV). If unsure of date use 15th of the month. use format dd/mm/yy or 15 Jan 2019 When did you submit Police Reports? Date or approx date you submitted Police Reports. (Leave blank if from PMV).If unsure of date use 15th of the month. Use format dd/mm/yy or 15 Jan 2019 Did you use a Migration Agent? (required) Yes. A registered MARA agentYes, but a non registered agentNo. Did it ourselves Married or Not Married?(required) Married at time of applicationMarried after application, but before GrantNot Married, but Registered relationshipNot Married or Registered Relationship time living together, at application (required) Never lived togetherUnder 12 months13 to 24 months25 to 36 monthsOver 36 months Any Children at time of Application (required) YesNo Did you start with a PMV subclass 300 (required) YesNo If you began on a PMV subclass 300: **If applicable** Subclass 300 Application Date: **If applicable** Subclass 300 Grant Date: **If applicable** Marriage Date: Anything else you might wish to add? Δ