Partner Visa Sponsor 5 year Limitation Exceptions.

Partner Visa Sponsor 5 year Limitation Exceptions.

The normal rules that might stop you from sponsoring someone for an Australian Partner visa, or Prospective Marriage visa (PMV), are that you..

  • may not be able to sponsor your partner if you have previously sponsored 2 other partners for migration to Australia,
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Partner Visa Sponsorship Limitations: 5 Years and Lifetime

What if a partner visa sponsor has sponsored someone to Australia before?

You may not be able to sponsor your partner if you have previously sponsored 2 other partners for migration to Australia.

You may not be able to sponsor your partner if you have sponsored another partner within the … Read the rest

5 Year Wait Between Partner Visa Applications

Five Year Wait Between Separate Partner Visa Applications.

A sponsor for a Partner Visa cannot sponsor more than 2 partners in a lifetime, and each must be at least 5 years apart.

Some people find the information on this to be confusing, especially those who are not on partner visas, … Read the rest

Five Year Partner Visa Sponsor Limitation Period

5 Year Gap for Partner Sponsor Limitation Period.

In general, a Partner Visa Sponsor who has previously sponsored a partner (or prospective marriage) visa applicant is not able to sponsor another partner (or prospective marriage visa) applicant until at least five years have passed since the date of the first … Read the rest

Sponsoring a Partner Visa

Limitations on Sponsorship for Partner Visas.

Limitations apply if you:

Have previously sponsored a partner
Have been sponsored as a partner before

The most common limitation is briefly: No more than 2 partners visas being sponsored in a lifetime, and not more than one in a 5 year period. Read the rest

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