Dual Citizenship Political Crisis: Court Delays Hearing to October 2017

Court Hearing on the Dual Citizenship Political Crisis Deferred to October 2017.

The 24th August hearing at Brisbane court in the Dual Citizenship cases for various Australian Politicians has been deferred to be heard in Canberra on October 10th to 12th, 2017.

The Politicians immediately affected are:

Deputy Prime Minister … Read the rest

Labor MP’s who may be Dual Citizens

A few Labor (ALP) Members of Parliament are being questioned over Possible Dual Citizenship problems..

The problems with Australian Members of Parliament, unknowingly or knowingly, holding dual citizenship is being delved into further with more possible MP’s being questioned about their current status.

The latest four to be asked about … Read the rest

Is the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia a New Zealand Citizen

Is Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, a New Zealand Citizen?.

Barnaby Joyce was born on 17 April 1967, Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia.
His father, James Joyce, was a British Subject born 1927 in New Zealand, and moved to Australia in 1947 as a British Subject, not a New Zealand … Read the rest

Matt Canavan, QLD Senator resigns over Dual Citizenship

Another Australian Senator has Resigned due to Dual Citizenship.

Matt Canavan, the Cabinet Resources Minister, and Liberal Party Senator for Qld, has quit his Cabinet position after being told that he is an Italian citizen.
Senator Canavan was elected in 2013.
His mother registered him as an Italian citizen in … Read the rest

Tony Abbott proves he’s ONLY an Australian

Tony Abbott renounced his UK citizenship in October 1993.

Tony Abbott was first elected into the Australian Parliament in March, 1994 and was NOT a British citizen at that time.
A letter from UK Visas & Immigration office, dated January 5, 2015 is the confirmation of this Citizenship Renunciation.

Foreign Born Australian Federal Politicians

The Birthplace of Overseas Born Australian Federal Politicians.

Hon Anthony John Abbott was born in United Kingdom (renounced his UK Citizenship in 1993)
Sen Hon Eric Abetz was born in Germany
Ms Anne Aly was born in Egypt
Sen Hon Douglas Niven Cameron was born in United Kingdom
Sen … Read the rest

Australian Senators Resign due to Dual Citizenship

Two Australian Senators have Resigned due to Dual Citizenship.

Under Section 44 of the Australian constitution, a person cannot run for federal office if they hold any citizenship other than Australian, including those with Dual Citizenship.

Larissa Waters, Greens party senator for Qld, is a Canadian citizen, and anAustralian, having … Read the rest

Malcolm Turnbull Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia

Malcolm Turnbull.

Leader of the Liberal Party:

  • 16 September 2008 ?? 1 December 2009
  • 14 September 2015 to TBA

Malcolm Turnbull became the Leader of the Liberal Party after defeating Brendan Nelson at the 2008 Liberal leadership ballot on 16 September 2008 by four votes.
This ended on 1 December … Read the rest
