Parent Visa applications on hand March 2022

Parent Visa applications in the pipeline (on hand) at March 2022.

As at 31 March 2022, there were 65,045 Parent visa applications on hand with a queue date up to and including 1 July 2020.

This number covers the total of these visa subclasses:

  • Subclass 103 Parent visa.
  • Subclass 143
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Parent visa applications on hand February 2022

How many Parent visa applications were on hand at February 2022?

There were 121,351 Parent visa applications on hand at 28 February 2022.

Number of Parent and Contributory Parent visa applications on hand, with the Australian Immigration department as at 28 February 2022.

  • 65,214 were subclass 143 applications.
  • 35,641 were
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Medicare Eligibility Subclass 864 visa

Medicare Eligibility for Subclass 864 visa holders and Applicants.

You can enrol for Medicare if you hold a permanent contributory parent visa subclass 864.

A Subclass 864 visa is a Contributory Aged Parent visa.

This visa allows the holder to:

  • stay in Australia as a permanent resident
  • work and study
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Parent Visa Grants to March 2021

Numbers of Parent Visa Grants in the nine months ended 31 March 2021.

The following numbers show how many Parent Visas were granted in the 2020/2021 year by the end of the third quarter.

  • 3,794 subclass 143 Contributory Parent.
  • 81 subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent Residence.
  • 155 subclass 173 Contributory
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Parent Visa Applications onhand Sept 2020

Parent Visa Applications in Pipeline at 30 September 2020.

These are the numbers of applicants waiting for visa processing for the specified Parent visa subclass, as at 30th September 2020.

  • 39,601 subclass 103 Parent
  • 41 subclass 113 Aged Parent
  • 53,444 subclass 143 Contributory Parent (Migrant)
  • 2,884 subclass 173 Contributory Parent
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