Tax Returns 2024

2024 Tax Return Deadline Date.

The deadline to lodge a tax return in Australia is the 31st of October each year, if you are filing your own taxes and not using a registered tax agent.

If you are registered with a tax agent before the 31st of October, your tax agent is allowed to lodge the returns at different times after the 31st of October.

Failure to lodge on time can result in penalty fines.

Claims for Tax Deductions.

Some people think that they can claim for work deductions, under a certain limit, without a receipt. Some tax agents even suggest this

The ATO is reminding people that a receipt is actually needed, unless other allowable options are utilised.

ATO assistant commissioner Rob Thomson said: “In most cases, a bank or credit card statement on its own isn’t enough evidence to support a work-related deduction claim. You’ll need your receipts. No proof, no deduction.”

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