Fake information about bonus Centrelink payments.
There are unofficial websites and social media accounts online which are sharing false information about bonus Centrelink payments.
You might read about a new ‘one off payment’, ‘Centrelink cash relief payment’ or ‘bonus payment’ to:
- help with the cost of living
- help people getting Age Pension
- help people who have a concession card.
They offer varying amounts of money, including $750 and $1,800.
The headline for one of these is:
Centrelink Cash Relief December 2024
That is FAKE.
These payments don’t exist.
You can confirm this at the genuine Services Australia and myGov websites, which are: servicesaustralia.gov.au and my.gov.au.
The above information is from https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/fake-information-about-bonus-centrelink-payments?context=60271