University Fees in Australia


The cost of University education in Australia will depend on a persons Visa status and Residence status.

There are three basic categories:

  • Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • Temporary Resident

As an idea of the differences in costs at University, the following costs apply to this one particular course at one university, and shows the difference depending on your Visa/residence classification.

Course: G95
Bachelor of Business
Faculty of Business and Law

First Year Fees

  • $8,677 Commonwealth Supported
  • $10,800 Domestic full fee paying student
  • $18,000 International Student

Commonwealth supported students

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If you are in a Commonwealth supported place, you only make a contribution towards the cost of your education while the Australian Government contributes the majority of the cost.

  • Australian citizens and Permanent humanitarian visa holders pay the Domestic fees less a Commonwealth contribution and less a further 20% discount for full or partial up-front payments.
  • Permanent Residents pay the Domestic fees less a Commonwealth contribution, but get no further discounts for up front payments.

International Students

Overseas students are only able to study in an overseas fee-paying place and must pay overseas student fees. Providers must charge overseas students fees at a level sufficient to recover the full costs of delivering their course.

  • Temporary and Provisional visa holders pay full International Fees with no discounts or contributions.

The following link explains all this with more detail:

A guide to university fees in one university can be seen at:

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