Australian Visa Processing Times

The Australian Immigration department have recently changed their visa processing time results to show the times for the 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% groups.  This change allows a better picture of the actual processing times.

The previous processing times quoted by Immigration, showed just the 75% and 90% figures in the example form “19-23 months”, but that was somewhat meaningless, when the median average of that could have been 11.2 months, as in the example of this at: Subclass 801 Visa Processing Times in 2018 where it shows :

  • The median average Processing Time of 19-23 months was 11.2 months. 75% were done in under 19 months (most of these in under 12 months), while 10% took over 23 months, and 15% took between 19 and 23 months.

Related Pages for Australian Visa Processing Times.

Processing Times for Australian visas.