Subclass 461

Subclass 461 New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship visa.

This visa is for a person who is not a New Zealand citizen, but is a member of a family unit* of a New Zealand citizen.

It lets you live and work in Australia for five years, while a partner of the New Zealand citizen.

The cost of the subclass 461 visa was $365 at July 2020. This is substantially less than the cost of a Permanent Partner Visa for the partner of an Australian citizen, at $7,715.

This subclass 461 visa will NOT lead to permanent residency in Australia, but can be renewed onshore as required, while in a relationship with an eligible New Zealand citizen.

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* Family Unit.

For visa purposes, you are a member of the main applicant’s family unit if you are:

  • the main applicant’s spouse or de facto partner
  • the main applicant’s child, or their partner’s child, who is not engaged, married or in a de facto relationship and is:
    • aged under 18 years, or
    • aged 18 to 23 years and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner, or
    • aged 23 years or older and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner due to a partial or total physical or mental disability
  • the dependent child of the child above