Permanent Migration

Permanent Migration in Australia.

Permanent Migration to Australia can be done via various routes. The most common is through skilled working visas (about 65% of all), with family visas, (partner, parent, etc.) being used in about 35% of cases.

Permanent Resident Visa Grants in 2019-20

Australia granted 140,366 permanent residency visas in 2019-20.
37,118 of these were for Permanent Partner visas in the Family stream and 95,843 were in the Skilled Visa streams.

Permanent Resident Visa Grants in 2018-19

Australia granted 160,300 permanent residency visas in 2018-19.
39,918 of these were for Permanent Partner visas in the Family stream and 109,713 were in the Skilled Visa streams.

Permanent Migration Page Listings.