What does ‘Shipping information approved by Australia Post’ mean?

Vision Direct

Australia Post Tracking says: “Shipping information approved by Australia Post”.

What does “Shipping information approved by Australia Post” actually indicate.

Apparently it only appears to mean that the sender has notified Australia Post that they intend to send a parcel.

This is an example of wording on the subject: “This shipping information let’s us know that the sender intends to send a parcel with us, but at this point in time, we don’t have any physical scan of the parcel in the network.”

Other wording on the AusPost tracking system shows when a parcel arrives at the depot; is loaded for local delivery; is delivered, etc.

Shipping information approved by Australia Post” appears to indicate that a sender intends to use AusPost to deliver an item.  It does NOT mean that AusPost physically have the item.

AusPost tracking System website: https://auspost.com.au/track

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