What can be used as a Face Mask in Victoria?.
That seems to be a very valid question when we see face masks for sale at $249 for a pack of 50 disposable ones.
The Victorian Government state:
You must wear a face covering whenever you leave your home, unless an exception applies. A face covering needs to cover both your nose and mouth. It could be a face mask or shield.
If a face mask is not available other forms of face covering may be used such as a scarf or bandana.
It appears that it does NOT have to be an expensive one, just something to help from spreading your breath around.
Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says that universal mask wearing is important because an infected person wearing a mask sheds less of the virus and people around them are less exposed.
The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, who was wearing a black mask before Sunday’s press conference, said that the face covering “does not need not be a hospital-grade mask. It need not be one of the handmade masks … It can be a scarf, it can be a homemade mask“.