Yellow Medicare card and Partner Visa Application.

Vision Direct

Holders of Yellow Medicare card applying for a Partner Visa.

If you are the holder of a Yellow Medicare card, commonly held by some nationalities on temporary work visas, and you apply for a partner visa, you need to know the following.

The bad news:

Your Medicare eligibility ends when your ‘original’ visa expires.

Your Medicare eligibility ends when your partner visa is granted, causing your original visa to expire.

The good news:

You are eligible to apply for an interim resident Medicare card from the date that your 820 application is accepted. You do NOT need to wait for the 820 partner visa to be granted.

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This is your best route:

  1. You apply for the 820 partner visa.
  2. Immigration will, normally immediately, send you an email confirming your partner visa application.
  3. You can immediately take that email to Medicare and apply for a Blue interim Medicare card.

Yellow Medicare cards are often issued to holders of 457 or 482 visas, and other temporary visas, from countries with a reciprocal healthcare arrangement.

Countries with a reciprocal healthcare arrangement with Australia are shown at and include: United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden.


My thanks to SiBorg for bringing some of this to my attention, in a comment at medicare-eligibility-for-partner-visa

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